Rodrigo Spínola @ VCU

Short bio

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Commonwealth University, where I lead the Technical Debt Research Team. Previously, I was a professor at the Computer Science Graduate Program at Salvador University in Brazil (2013-2022), a visiting assistant professor at the University of University of Maryland Baltimore County and a visiting researcher at the Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Engineering, Maryland (2011-2012). I completed my PhD work at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

My general research interests lie in the areas of Technical Debt in Software Projects, Empirical Software Engineering, and Engineering of AI Systems for Health.

In 2021, I was mentioned by a study published in the Journal of Systems & Software as one of the Top 10 Most Impactful Software Engineering Researchers at the consolidators level.  Also, I received the Research Productivity Distinction Grant from the Brazilian National Research Council, an award given to the most productive researchers in their research areas in Brazil.

Contact information

Department of Computer Science
College of Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
VCU College of Engineering - East Hall
401 W. Main Street, Room ERB 2322
Richmond, VA  23284